We are here to serve the world's deepest expansion through healing, spiritual consciousness, creativity, self mastery and abundant power, all in service to your soul's evolution. We are here to inspire people all around the world to create their own Heaven on Earth so we can collectively activate Heaven on Earth and live abundantly in co-creation and community with each other.
House of Lo is a sanctuary for the soul to thrive, to grow, to learn, to evolve and to belong. We are a safe space for everyone who is feeling the call to this path - the path of embodying the truth of who they are and who they are here to become while in this temporary human experience. To live with less fear, more wonder. To trust that there are benevolent forces on their side, guiding them throughout their lives through the magic of synchronicity. To return to love - their true essence at a soul level. To live from their soul.
I’m honored and humbled you are reading these words. My life is a testimony of death and rebirth, of having to go deep into my pain, fears and loneliness on Earth and transmute that pain to step into and embody my power, gifts and the deep love I embody.
I’ve experienced many inner battles as we all do – many of which were my own doing. It is challenging to be a powerful soul in a temporary human body, having an intense human experience, full of polarity.
Our culture currently is broken. People feel very disconnected from who they truly are, because of all the conditioning and programming about who we're "supposed to be" and how our lives are "supposed to go." And many of these narratives we're conditioned to believe are true are designed for society to profit off of us being numbed out, distracted and living in fear.
Unfortunately, we live in a culture that strives to keep people trapped in fear and scarcity, because when you keep people trapped in fear and scarcity, you can control them.

Everyone has access to working with the magical forces of the universe, to deepen their connection to their soul and to find the right practice for them to connect with God. That's what we're here to create safe space for. Our mission all in all is to help every human wake up to their divinity - their soul.
For me personally, this comes from a deep, very vulnerable place.
I’ve always struggled with how big my presence is in my physical body, having a low/deep voice, and embodying a power that people just notice. I say that humbly but it’s something I’ve always been very aware of. You can’t miss me – so to speak – so throughout my childhood and life I felt and learned somewhere along the way it wasn’t safe to stand out and speak up/speak truth, so I learned coping mechanisms for “hiding.” But hiding for me is nearly impossible given how I am built and how I move in life so eventually that caught up with me and I had to face my deep fear of being seen.
I’ve always felt there weren’t enough safe spaces for me to go to – and so many women feel this way – so I knew I had to create those spaces that I once craved. Being lonely and isolated in an always-on, connected culture is mind-blowing but was very much my experience for a long time.
I’m grateful to have broken free from that illusion.
You are a soul - an eternal, very powerful spiritual being - having a temporary human experience to learn lessons, heal, and activate your full sovereign divinity and power in human form. We as souls come into these bodies to experience contrast, emotions, love and fear. Polarity. The full spectrum of the human experience is to feel it all, be it all and live it all with grace, acceptance and the will to keep moving forward. To embody Divine Love in human form.

We are creating a membership community that brings many practitioners, spiritual leaders, intuitives and creators together to use their gifts to help you in your greatest expansion, deepest healing, ongoing personal development, empathetic spiritual support and creativity. This membership community will be accessible and is the center of our entire brand. Community first. Everyone belongs. Our prayer is we can build bridges between every community and group on Earth - for us all to find commonality in the fact that we are all one - all souls having difference human experiences. This is how we truly can heal the Earth and all the very intense, tough challenges we face as a species and society.
From there, we will have group sanctuaries focused on specific topics and themes such as abundance, personal empowerment, business, activating your gifts, love, relationships, connection and healing for both women, men and everyone across the spectrum.

Our brand is for everyone - we are here to serve your soul. What and how you identify in this lifetime is something we celebrate as a brand but we're always going to bring things back to you as a soul having a temporary (but potent human experience!)
We will also be rolling out a larger platform with many partners, a lifestyle product line and a few more surprises we have in store later this year and into 2024 :)
Since I was very young, I knew I was here to do something big. I knew that I had a mission in this life but it scared me so I struggled to step fully in my power for years. I would hide from life and numb out a lot through overworking, overdoing, and over-consuming things in life. This was a great way to distract myself from how big my impact is supposed to be in this lifetime on Earth. I’ve always known I was born to be a leader, an entrepreneur who was here to be a real change maker but that mountain seemed too intense to climb that I avoided it. I also am deeply spiritual and connected to God which made me feel very isolated in our fast-paced, go-go-go/do-do-do culture. It took years in Corporate America and many hard-learned lessons before I decided to take the leap of faith through the grace of God and much abundance that flowed to me to miraculously allow me to leave that world behind and step into a new world, a world I would co-create with God and the world that I now live in and embody with my mission House of Lo.

Something very personal about my journey from Corporate America to being a full-time entrepreneur is, I had a health scare come out of left field 2 weeks before giving my notice. I could've stayed - it would've felt a little safer. But I still took the leap. And in the first few months of business, I was dealing with something health-wise that was intensely challenging for me. All worked out thank God and in my second month of business, 5 huge clients came in out of nowhere - A.K.A. I manifested them through the grace of God. Abundance is real. I was divinely supported and it was the signal to me that no matter what I going through personally, this was the right move.
Since I was kid, I knew I was born "entrepreneur" - a born "leader." But what to do with that in our culture and the personal struggles I had, I didn't know. I just had to leap.
Leaps of faith pay off in ways we can never imagine. That's the point - we have to leap.
So leap :) When I speak about abundance consciousness, I'm very aware how skeptical most people are. That's how potent our culture of fear and scarcity is. It's programmed and brainwashed us all to think there's isn't enough.

I will challenge anyone on this. However, both/and - I'm very aware there's poverty in the world and I will do everything in my power to activate a culture of learning so everyone has access to this consciousness, to inevitably change their lives and anchor to abundance as a mindset. From that place, everything can manifest in our physical reality that we desire and that is in our highest alignment.
In my first year of business, I would literally say every morning an affirmation or way of speaking into existence what I was calling in. My exact affirmation was: "I am creating my business and making $300,000."
Notice, I didn't say how or when - just the clean, straight-up desire. By the end of 2021, my first year in business, I made $315K and that was double my highest salary ever made in Corporate America.
So yeah, when us spiritual people :) say money is just energy. We mean it. I live it. Money and talking openly about money is part of my mission. I am not attached to money, protective of "my money," or romantic about money.
Money is just an energy that flows in and out of my life. I don't hoard money either. I honor it, I attract it, I receive it, I hold it, I spend it, I redistribute it, I invest it.
Also, this is God's money. I am plugged into the infinite Source of all that is - and we all can plug into our Divine Source God. Once you do that, you break free of the illusions of our society - the illusions and false notions of scarcity and fear.
And only from that place, can you step into creating your abundant life.
Welcome in.